False Shooting At State Fair Of Texas

And information in the authority building and they were looking very terrified and now the real facts are available. They will coming straight to the gate at around 9 in the evening and the incident happened on Friday night there was total Chaos and confusion. Videos and photos were available where they were running and shouting for their lives and it was very unusual and they were saying they heard some fire shots and no injuries were reported a, fortunately. Shortly after this happened police started their investigation.

No Shots Were Fired At The State Fair Of Texas

Family members were really worried about their loved ones. Gun violence is a pretty common thing in America and many people have already lost their lives this year because of shooting incidents firefighters and emergency services were immediately called on the incident and some individuals were referring to the incident where a 17-year-old individual died but that was an on 19th September and he lost his life during medical assistance in hospital. And they quickly reached our conclusion at 12 that it was nothing.

No Active Shooter Found At State Fair Of Texas

Police officers were pretty confident that nothing happened and they are still trying to make people believe that they are clearly safe and no harm would come to them and they can relax. Authorities have been really helpful to the citizens and they are trying to reduce the panic that has spread among the citizens we hope that everything would be clear and nobody would face any trouble.No identities came into public. We will be back with more information and till then stay tuned to our website for more updates.


False Shooting At State Fair Of Texas  No Shots Were Fired  Fake Shooter News  - 39False Shooting At State Fair Of Texas  No Shots Were Fired  Fake Shooter News  - 46False Shooting At State Fair Of Texas  No Shots Were Fired  Fake Shooter News  - 43False Shooting At State Fair Of Texas  No Shots Were Fired  Fake Shooter News  - 87