A Mum & Her Baby Caught In Fire As A Teen Spark Fireworks During Halloween Video

The footage which showed the woman and the child getting lit up because of the fire showed that there were various fireworks and the woman was caught up in fire because of the rocket launched on the road. This incident occurred in Stratford, East London where a teen who was said to be the initiator of this incident shared a picture where she asked many teens and youngsters to gather at the place and wear costumes for Halloween, and that too in black. While she also asked her followers to bring fireworks which they launched later and accreted chaos. The firework not only caused chaos but also harmed many people.

A Mum & Her Baby Caught In Fire As A Teen Spark Fireworks During Halloween

The woman who was caught on fire escaped and the child as well, but it scared many people. One of the women who were at the bus stand said that she was standing near the bus tsp when she heard screams coming from her behind and when she turned some tens were just lighting fireworks and crackers up and they were doing it in public. She added that the fireworks caused a lot of drama and unnecessary noise and many people who were there at the bus stop went ay getting sacred from the fireworks. Another woman who was at the bus stop added that she cannot believe such chaos occurred at the Stanford bus stop. The teen who lit the fireworks and who also invited the other tens to the place was arrested although her identity was not released or confirmed by the police. A local who was at the place added that it is unbelievable that the fireworks were lit at by walkers and that it blew up. The police officers who were trying to calm the situation down were also threatened and fireworks were lit over them as well. A little while later many officers gathered at the place and they covered the whole area by defending themselves and others and eventually arrested the teen who was there. Thankfully there was no report of injury or fatality. Another incident that was like the earlier incident was reported from Dundee, Scotland where fireworks were thrown at the by walkers and when the police arrived they were thrown at them as well. Several videos of teen throwing fireworks and crackers at people have emerged online where they were making fun of others and also making others scared. Police gathered at the place and while defending they got the teens under arrest. The officers held shields in order to stop the chaos and the teens as well. Witnesses who were at the place when the incident occurred said that the youngsters broke the windows of the houses, and aimed fireworks at cars.


FOOTAGE  A Mum   Her Baby Caught In Fire As A Teen Spark Fireworks During Halloween Video Viral  - 67FOOTAGE  A Mum   Her Baby Caught In Fire As A Teen Spark Fireworks During Halloween Video Viral  - 46FOOTAGE  A Mum   Her Baby Caught In Fire As A Teen Spark Fireworks During Halloween Video Viral  - 12FOOTAGE  A Mum   Her Baby Caught In Fire As A Teen Spark Fireworks During Halloween Video Viral  - 42